From: Kit Barker <>
Date: 13/05/2015 05:54:38 UTC
Subject: Private Law in the 21st Century - 14th-15th December 2015- Call for Papers and Opening of Registration
Attachments: Private Law in 21st Century_Call for Papers.pdf

Dear Colleagues,


Private Law in the Twenty-First Century – Call for Papers and Opening of Registrations


I am attaching a call for papers for this conference, to be held in Brisbane on the 14th and 15th December this year, hoping that it may prove of interest to you and that you may be able to attend to join the debate.


The broad aim of the conference is to identify and debate the key questions and challenges that private law is likely to face, nationally and internationally in the 21st century, setting a clear agenda for legal practitioners, the legal academy and policymakers within the field for the next 20 to 30 years.  Further guidance on some of the themes and challenges appears in the attached document, or at:, but contributors may address any topic within the broad conference theme.  


Key Note Addresses will be presented by:


• Professor Andrew Burrows, University of Oxford

• Professor Hanoch Dagan, University of Tel Aviv

• Justice James Edelman, Federal Court of Australia

• Professor Dame Hazel Genn, University College, London

• Professor Ken Oliphant, University of Bristol

• Professor Henry Smith, Harvard University


Potential contributors should please send their proposed paper title and an abstract to:


Registrations for the event are now open and early-bird rates apply until 31st August:


We hope to welcome you to Brisbane later in the year.


All good Wishes,


Kit Barker, Ross Grantham and Karen Fairweather.